Workshops provide coverage for topics or perspectives not offered through
our more formal curriculum series courses. Topics usually cover information
or models that are being matured through the DOQS
Research & Development Program but that have not yet been integrated
into the formalized curriculum. These offerings are much less formal that
our curriculum courses, emphasizing a collegiate instructional style and
less polished learner and instructional materials. Most of our workshops
occur as a single half-day or full-day session.
While a workshop can be built and offered on almost any topic, recently
offered workshops have included:
Requirements Gathering - A half-day overview of
the relationships among the major classes of requirements - Customer
Need, Business Process, and Functional System - and how they trace
to each other during the elicitation and documentation of requirements.
This workshop introduces learners to requirements gathering without
the full detail of our DOQS Requirements Engineering
Series. The full-day version of this workshop adds a hands-on
requirements exercise that takes initial requirements through to a
successful requirements walkthrough and assessment activity.
Project Scheduling - A half-day or full-day workshop
designed to teach new project managers the basics of building a comprehensive
project work breakdown structure based on task activity durations
and dependencies. Emphasis is placed on aligning such scheduling with
basic PMI PMBOK™ and SEI CMMI® requirements for project
planning and control. It is introductory material based on our DOQS
Introductory Lifecycle & Project Management course.
- The QFD Backbone - A half-day workshop that covers
the definition and interaction of the four House of Quality (HoQ) layers
typically seen in a comprehensive Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
model on an information technology project. It is introductory material
based on our DOQS Design for Six Sigma I